Monday, December 19, 2011

Why Blogging?

Baru nak masuk week 3, now i wonder why am i doing this? Blogging. To be honest, not sure why hihihihi..tapi dah berpuluh kali & dah bertahun2 nak buat belog tapi tak kesampaian. byk benar halangan2nya. Alih2 ada anak 2, pastu dah jadi housewife baru dpt courage to do it full force. But still why, why & why.

Sebelum ni, saya keje asyik buat report and presentation slides blablablabla. Bored to death, kalau buat 1 para pun nak amek masa 1hari hahaha. Yang baca report tu project team leader, boss & auditee. Tu pun kalau auditee dorg baca paksa-rela. Dahla buat report, kalau tak indah akan kena tengok & diberi markah diakhir tawun..sungguh hati tak tenang nak berkarya hihihihihi. Hey, sesuka jer kan. Anyway, ai tak suka wat report2 tu, but i love writing.Tata boring life!

To some people, because they want to earn money. Hey kamon, ai pun nak gak kalau dapat kan. Tapi, kot awak menceceh2 takde org baca, elok beli diary tulis kat situ pastu sorok bawah bantal. So, for me...i blog, i want a reader to read what i wrote, i give some advise & knowledge and if i am lucky i would love to earn some too. Rejeki tu tau. But, don't you think you would become obsessed with it after a while and stop enjoying it if u r too obsessed with money?

bestnyaa dpt duit walau tulis grammar lintangpukang hihi

Therapy. Yep, indeed! Cuba bayangkan, somethg happen to you on dat day and u would love to share it wit someone...tulis la kat belog tu. Kalau saya, saya suka selit2kan ilmu tak seberapa sket la to be share. sama la gak mcm share facebook status, tapi situ takbleh membebel panjang2 pastu letak gambar sesuka hati dgn narration hehee.

Blog juga membolehkan kita nak share our hobby. i.e music, food & recipe, picture & photography. Ai takde la benda2 tu nak share. Saya hanya share about my surrounding, news, kids, activities can attract readers, general knowledge, books and others. rojak lah hehee.

For fun! Sebab benda ni "in" things in computer tech savvy community. suma orang berlumba2 nak belog...budak2 sekolah pun dah start belog.

For a good cause. Ada gak org belog sebab nak selamatkan environment, binatang, sebab penyakit2 i.e cancer or anythg. Camtu laah. a good reason too!

Blog for brand or company exposure. Eh ni ramai orang buat yerr. tapi boleh ke nak hapdet hehari kalau for this reason? hehehee

Passion! Ntah la, mine..not sure either i categorized it as a passion or somethgelse. apa2 lah. yang penting orang suka baca.hiks!

"Cyberspace is a garden. Blogposts are seeds. I plant them in the hope they may sprout into something quite fantastical."


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