He is a baby that we r trying so hard after we lost my 1st baby girl back year 2008. Getting pregnant is like, Alhamdulillah couldnt say more hihihihihi. Taking care 2nd pregnancy after stillbirth delivery, is really a stressful but yet have to make myself stress-free. Banyak plak tu complication-nya, macam2 lah. Dengan nak dekat2 nak beranak asyik ulang alik ke spital. 1 sebab tak sure sakit nak beranak cemana, 2 sebab takut jadi macam yang 1st...so, its a mixed feelings.
During this time, hospital adalah rakan terbaik kami heheheeee. Bosan betui, sampai daddy yang tak suka pegi hospital duk komplen, hospital ni dah jadi rumah ke-2. kuangkuangkuanggg...jgn gitu yer daddy, anak kamu jua.
Since ths pregnancy will be our precious baby, after loooong await..takmo kuar plak budak ni walau dah 41weeks. Kita tak sabar, dia plak takmo kuar. During our last visit on week 41 (3/May/2010), last checkup doctor scan..he is super duper big...3.94kg. Gulp!Gulp!Gulp!.. Nebes betul nak kuarkan, seriau pun ada..dlm hati tak yakin camno la nih. Tapi gyne saya tu baik orangnya, dia kesian dgn kami due to our 1st baby incident...so she suggest, we go for csection becoz she said ths is our precious baby. I smile, *dalam hatiku dah berbunga2 sbb takut dgn normal delivery hikhikk*. She asked me to be hospitalized on the next day n czer on 5/5/2010.
But only Allah know...on 4/5/2010..i had my contraction just after my subuh pray. memula mild, pastu getting intense. Bagitau asben, dia kata..anyhow we still going to the hospital rite for check in. Yer lah. When we arrived, kelamkabut bagitau dah sakit tapi doctor dah schedule for plan czer on 5/5/2010. Check punya check, fuhooo dah bukak 3cm. Doctor kata tunggu petang kita czer, tapi lepas setengah jam check lagi dah bukak 5cm. fuhhhh...terus dan2 nak czer skrang gak. Dat time, im not physically & mentally prepare for this *sobsobsob* takutnya. So here we goes, terus czer dan2 tu gak & Hisham born at 1020am 4/5/2010 with only 3.49kg & 49cm.
It was my 1st experience for czer, takut, seram, tak berenti kalimah syahadah..manatau sampai situ je ke nyawa kita kan. gulp!
Today, Hisham 1yr7mths with 11kg & 87cm height. He master his walking, running, climbing, throwing thgs and tantrum, love his younger brother - Emir. But he still with his baby talk & only talk few words. We love u abang!
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