Saturday, December 17, 2011

Saturday...Emir's Day

3.5months - 7.8kg

Mommy said i came to this world when my eldest brother still small, around 1yr4mths. And she said that they didnt plan for 2nd child!! hihihihi...takpe sayang, we adjust & we love u both equally.

Mommy, Hisham & Emir inside. age-36weeks

After 10mths carrying him, i gained 18kg, yep only 18kg..takde la manyak mana, Juma gained almost 30kg yer. Tapi cukup la meninggalkan kesan kegemokan lepas lahir 18kg tu hihihi. Citernya, dah discussed dgn gyne nak try for normal walaupun dalam hati takut sebenarnya. hehee..apa menda la yg takut sangat tu, hepp ai takut kena epi procedure & kena jaet balik ler..

Again, just like previous pregnancy...dah sampai 40weeks takde tanda2 nak beranak pun. Raya dah nak dekat, camno nih. As per discussed with gyne, we r having our last visit before raya if still not deliver. Memang yer taknak kuar2 gak, takde tanda last visit on 25/8/2011. cotcetcotcet, doctor suruh admit to the hospital n i will b induce.

Czer process

Pendek citer, checkin spital sblm raya..ya Allah punya la ramai umat nak beranak sblm raya..maklum la spital gomen..akhirnya dapat gak la selit masuk on 26/8/2011. At last, we schedule for induce on 27/8. Sebelum subuh dah dikasi induce pill called pitocin - tapi half dose jer. Sampai tengahari no improvement at all, kasi lagi full dose of pitocin. Slow sangat bukaan, sampai kul 1130malam baru bukak 3cm, dipaksa pun dpt la 4cm. So the whole day journey was damn painful but yet the progress is poor. after 1130pm, kena tolak ke Labour room and then they start the whole process. Kot sapa yg dah pernah lalui tau la. Pecah air ketuban, check laluan, assist laluan, masuk air drip nak bantu bukaan and so on. The pain s getting intense and again no progress, so they decided to give me another induce - drip induce. The most painful ever. i had that during my 1st delivery! Not sure how to describe it, but i had the most difficult one....pain so much intense but yet it only open till 5cm until the next morning 8am 28/8/2011. When the specialist came n decided for czer, i was like HORAYYYYYYYYYYY..quickly takeout that drip wire n give me that bius hihihihi.

Alhamdulillah kuar la hero kecik ni dgn tangan dan kaki yg kurus keding. Emir born with 3.18kg & 50cm.

All in all, saya trauma beranak normal.sungguh! tapi pasni memang confirmed czer dah..syukur! Wpun hanya 3 insyaAllah rejeki kami..tapi alhamdulillah. yang penting takmo dah experience tu. hehee korang2 amek la, ai takmo hihihihi.

Now, he is 3.5mths old with 7.8kg and 67cm. some say he is gemok, id say he is ok because of his height. But he is relatively big compared with other baby at similar age.

"Mommy love u both!"



  1. 4 pun boleh la dear, tgk condition.anwy, sgt tembam itu budak

  2. 4?nak banak sampai umo 40 ke hihihihi.takpe laq...ngeri nengok perot dlm ni...kali ke2 ni rasa ngjlu lebih kerap

  3. skrg dah boleh beranak sampai umur 45 tahun..tapi sgt2 berisiko

  4. 45? idak la leli. 40 pun sebolehnya takmo dah heheee. skrg pun pegnen dah lelah. tapi kot rejeki Allah bagi, apa kita nak buat gak kan


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